2021 Photo Contest Winners
2020 Photo Contest Winners
2019 Photo Contest Winners
2018 Photo Contest Winners

Xylaria hypoxylon (Carbon Antlers - glorious guttation) by Marjie Carr-Oxley
Pictoral Honorable Mention

Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill Fungus) by Marjie Carr-Oxley
1st Place Scientific/Technical (1of 4)

Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill Fungus) by Marjie Carr-Oxley
1st Place Scientific/Technical (2 of 4)

Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill Fungus) by Marjie Carr-Oxley
1st Place Scientific/Technical (3 of 4)

Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill Fungus) by Marjie Carr-Oxley
1st Place Scientific/Technical (4 of 4)

Part of the life cycle of Lactarius deceptivus (Orange-latex Milky) by Jeff Donaldson
3rd Place Scientific/Technical (1 of 4)

Part of the life cycle of Lactarius deceptivus (Orange-latex Milky) by Jeff Donaldson
3rd Place Scientific/Technical (2 of 4)

Part of the life cycle of Lactarius deceptivus (Orange-latex Milky) by Jeff Donaldson
3rd Place Scientific/Technical (3 of 4)

Part of the life cycle of Lactarius deceptivus (Orange-latex Milky) by Jeff Donaldson
3rd Place Scientific/Technical (4 of 4)

Hydnellum caeruleum (Blue-Green Hydnellum) by Marjie Carr-Oxley
Scientific Honorable Mention (1 of 4)

Hydnellum caeruleum (Blue-Green Hydnellum) by Marjie Carr-Oxley
Scientific Honorable Mention - (2 of 4)

Hydnellum caeruleum (Blue-Green Hydnellum) by Marjie Carr-Oxley
Scientific Honorable Mention (3 of 4)

Hydnellum caeruleum (Blue-Green Hydnellum) by Marjie Carr-Oxley
Scientific Honorable Mention (4 of 4)

"Alms for the spores" by Nancy Etzwiler
1st Place Activity/Humor/Other and Blewit Award (overall winner)
2017 Photo Contest Winners

Pluteus aurantiorugosus (Flame-shield cap) - Marjie Carr-Oxley
1st Place Scientific/Technical (1 of 4)

Pluteus aurantiorugosus (Flame-shield cap) - Marjie Carr-Oxley
1st Place Scientific/Technical (2 of 4)

Pluteus aurantiorugosus (Flame-shield cap) - Marjie Carr-Oxley
1st Place Scientific/Technical (3 of 4)
2016 Photo Contest Winners

Rhodotus palmatus, Wrinkled Peach Mushroom - Marjie Carr-Oxley
1st Place Scientific/Technical (1 of 2) and overall winner